Friday, July 13, 2012

Day Nine

The denouement of leaving Lund became quite pronounced as I raced off the first ferry, first in line. I was determined to enjoy the drive back as much as possible, and focus on how much amazing adventure was ahead. I'd only stopped to stay in Lund two days, but it was longer than i'd spent in any place since leaving home...and started to feel like a home of sorts.

The roads along the coast are unbelievable, as I mentioned before, but this of course invites fast driving, and when there was no traffic to inhibit me, I sort of got carried away. As I passed a guy (who it turns out was speeding himself)...I pulled back into the right lane behind...the Sunshine Coast Police. Yes, that is the least intimidating name for a police force.

The guy was nice enough to reduce me to the BC minimum, but it certainly took the wind out of me. It was also somewhat embarrassing as Michelle and her parents (who had been driving behind me) pulled off the road to let me know where we were going to meet for lunch, as I was stopped by the cop. I couldn't believe i'd driven 5000 km across Canada only to get a ticket on the tiniest, most benign part of coastline between ferries.

I was a little bummed, but Michelle did her best to cheer me up, and we chatted and ate ice cream as we waited for the last ferry back to West Vancouver. Her Dad wanted us to capture his 'Hobo look' before he had to head back to the real world. We got him to do an appropriate pose.

After that, it was onto the ferry and back to the mainland. Michelle's parents, off to some other parts of BC, Michelle to the airport to head back to Ontario, and myself to Alex's place, to rendez vous with the Hogg himself. We all said a fond goodbye.

After a slow chug through Vancouver rush hour, I arrived back in Coquitlam to meet Alex - who again was not home. This time I just barged in the front door, and hung out with his roommate for a few moments, in which time, Alex arrived. We had a nice chat on the back porch, and looked out at the biggest construction crane i've ever seen, putting together a bridge by Alex's place. Alex's roommate & friends were getting ready to head out to Mundy Lake park, just in the neighbouhood, so we decided to tag along for a little jaunt in the forest. I met Alex's girlfriend Kirstie, who's from nearby and she came along as well. Some water-based adventures were had by some of the more adventurous among us.

And we met some of the most intelligent-looking dogs i've ever seen. They were there to investigate, and to sleuth out...clearly on an agenda of their own.

It was a nice walk, but having travelled all morning, and with Alex ready for work bright and early, the three of us made a quick dinner, and hit the hay. The youngest Hogg has just gotten in to Victoria, we've heard, so tonight (Friday) we're looking to head out to the big island and see what we can see!

Alex & Kirstie

Talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. "some of the most intelligent-looking dogs I've ever seen" Dash is not going to like this!
